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New Features > RP Improved: Export Your Artboards as Images

RP Improved: Export Your Artboards as Images

Aug 9, 2021 113416

This month we're rolling out exciting new features. Now you can export your RP artboards as images, use a new way to sync your asset changes and enjoy simpler asset group sorting. Additionally, your Symbol components can now be linked with the relavant code repository.

Let's check out all these new features!

Online prototyping (Mockplus RP)

Export your artboards as images

Being able to export designs is important to designers to share and deliver design ideas quickly. In this update we've added the ability to export your artboard as a PNG image. Simply right click the artboard, press "Export artboard" and enjoy your new PNG designs.

Enable to auto sync asset changes with a right-click

In RP, when you add a component to the asset library, you can tick an option to auto sync all asset changes to that component's instances. However you might forget to tick the option and in that case the changes you make are only applied to the current instantce of the asset.

If you still want to turn on the auto-sync future after adding it to the asset library, we've added a new right-click option to enable auto-syncing after it's in the asset library. To turn auto-sync on and right-click the desired asset and click "Enable auto-sync".

Additionally, you can also enable the auto-sync feature for a batch of assets.

Design collaboration & handoff 

Drag and drop to reorder asset groups

When building your brand design system in Mockplus, you are free to add different groups under the color, font, layer style, component, icon and other asset categories. To better manage these asset groups, you may need to reorder them in some cases.

In this update, Mockplus now supports reordering all these asset groups with a single drag-and-drop. 

Note: you can only reorder asset groups at the same level. 

Connect your Symbol component with a code repository

After you've imported a Symbol component from Sketch into Mockplus, you can add a new link (often a code repository or preview link) to that component, so developers can quickly see how the component looks like to ensure it is perfectly implemented. 

These are all new features! Let's free try now:

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Summer ye

In- house content editor, specialize in SEO content writing. She is a fruit lover and visionary person.

What's Mockplus?
Mockplus Cloud

Uploads design files from Sketch, Figma, Axure, Photoshop, and Adobe XD into our design handoff tool.

Mockplus RP

A free online prototyping tool that can create wireframes or highly interactive prototypes in just minutes.

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