Mockplus > Community > Announcement

Join Mockplus Discord Community!

Mockplus Team · 2501 · 0 · 3:07 AM    Mar 17, 2021

Dear users, thank you so much for being part of the Mockplus family! We designed Mockplus with you in mind, we want to hear your thoughts and ideas. Today, we are happy to announce that Mockplus Discord Community is officially online!

Using Discord as our community home-base, we want to create an instant feedback loop from you directly to us: questions, ideas even complaints — all is welcome. We will add special gifts and offers to our community friends exclusively in the future as well. 

So join our community today, enjoy more offers and support from Mockplus:

If you have any questions regarding product use, or you're running into issues, channel #help on Discord is an online support space where our product managers and tech specialists are online to answer your questions. 

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