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How to add an element to the artboard in Mockplus RP when creating prototypes?

Mockplus Team · 3311 · 0 · 2:59 AM    Jan 13, 2023

In Mockplus RP, there are three different kinds of elements, Compos, Icons and Assets. In this article, we would like to introduce how to add elements to the artboard. 

Add Compos to the artboard: 

When you want to add a component from the default compos library, search for it and double click to add it to the artboard. 

Or you can also drag that onto the artboard. 

Some of the components can be added to the artboard via shortcut keys. Simply press the corresponding shortcut keys, drag and drop to draw the component.  

These are as follows: 

Sticky NoteS
Circle MarkerC
Drop MarkerD

Add Icons to the artboard:  

Click the Icons section first, then search for the icons you want to add to the artboard. When you find it, you can double click it on the artboard. 

Or you can also drag that onto the artboard. 

Add Assets to the artboard: Click the Assets section, then you can click the double arrow icon and first find the asset library from which you want to reuse an asset. When you find the asset you want to add, drag that onto the artboard.

To make a summary:

Compos——double click, drag and drop, shortcut keys 

Icons——double click, drag and drop 

Assets——drag and drop

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