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How assets in Mockplus RP can help you to speed up your prototyping process?

Mockplus Team · 3617 · 0 · 2:01 AM    Jan 12, 2023

Mockplus RP is a cloud based prototyping tool that allows you to create sketches, diagrams, wireframes, prototypes and many other designs in no time. In this article, we would like to introduce how to make full use of the Asset Feature in Mockplus RP to speed up your prototyping process. Let's go a little deeper. 

In Mockplus RP, you can save frequently used elements as assets quickly. 

  1. Select an element that you may use later. Right-click on it and click "Add Components to assets";
  2. A window will pop up which allows you to give the asset a name. You can also create groups for your assets. 

When "Changes auto-sync to all instances" is checked, the instances from the assets will automatically change when the assets are updated. 

Share saved assets with team members.

  1. When a project is opened, go to the "Asset" section on the left side of the editing screen of Mockplus RP;
  2. Right below the "Asset" section you will see a "three dot" icon, click that and click "share" to share the asset library of this project with all team members

How to use the assets quickly? 

  1. On the left side of the editing screen of Mockplus RP, go to the "Asset" section. Right below that click the "arrow" icon and you will be able to see all the Asset Library shared with team members.
  2. Find the asset which you want to reuse and drag that onto the artboard. What you get on the artboard is called an instance.
  3. When you cannot change the properties of the instances directly, right-click on it and go to "detach from asset"

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