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[Part Two] Mockplus Cloud VS Axure Cloud, Difference in Sharing Features

Mockplus Team · 2868 · 0 · 7:17 AM    Oct 8, 2022

Who doesn't need a tool to share the design around? Yes, one of the most important features that we need from a hand off tool, is the sharing feature itself. Mockplus and Axure design their collaboration tool quite differently. Check it out for more.

To begin with, in Axure Cloud, a project should be in a workspace which could include many projects and project folders. A user can invite others to join the workspace and workspace members can edit the projects.

When sharing a project via a link, a designer can also set a password so that only those who know the password can access the design. The link could be disabled and enabled later according to the requirements. This kind of could protect the design. The public link allows others to view and add comments, but not to edit the design. Only members of the workspace which a project belongs to are allowed to edit the project.

Other than this, there are advanced features, for example, pretty URLs, custom 404 page, assign default page, redirects and disable public link. These are not available for the design synchronized to Axure Cloud from another design tool, such as Figma, Invision and others.

A project folder couldn't be shared in Axure Cloud.
In Mockplus Cloud, a user can create different teams. There are two different projects, private project and team project. While a private project is accessible to all members of the project itself, a team project is accessible to all members of the team. When creating a project, one could decide whether it's a private or team project. Later he or she can go back to re-edit that as well.
When you click the share icon of a project on the cover, three different types of shares are available, including private share, public share, embed share. Private share means only members of the project can view the project and add comments. When negerating a private share link, you can invite whoever is not a project member to join the project which is valid for 7 days. Public share allows one to share the project with others, even if the latter doesn't sign in Mockplus Cloud. Embed share enables you to embed the project into a third party application via the link and it's accessible to all.

You can reset the public sharing link and embed share link, which will deactivate all former links respectively. And this is not available for private sharing.
Except for the above, in Mockplus Cloud, you can also share a project folder. The link allows members of the project folder to access all the projects inside, while non-members can only view the projects that they joined. When generating a link, a user can also invite others to become a member of the project folder as well, which is valid for 7 days.

Do you find the sharing feature in Mockplus satisfies your requirements? Welcome to share with us what you think of it.

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