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How to simulate sticky elements in Mockplus RP?

Mockplus Team · 4765 · 0 · 2:56 AM    Jan 5, 2023

Sticky elements are very common in both web design and app design. By enabling users to quickly access frequently used tools, it largely helps improve user experience. Today we want to share with you how to simulate sticky elements in Mockplus RP.
Without further ado, let's get started.

Method one:
  1. Select the artboard and drag the control line to make the height of it larger

  2. Create content on the artboard

  3. Create the element which you want to make sticky

  4. From the properties panel, check "fix position when scrolling"

Method two:
  1. Search for "panel" from the Compos Section and drag it onto the artboard

  2. Adjust the position of the panel and double click it to create content

  3. Create the element which you want to make sticky directly on the artboard

Give it a try and drop a comment if anything is not clear. Have a wonderful day guys!

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