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New Features > Speed Up Your Workflow with New Components & Features

Speed Up Your Workflow with New Components & Features

Dec 9, 2021 103173

Hey everyone! We're so excited to bring you some brand new powerful features released in past two months.
Within these two months, we've added the ability to recognize and upload Figma Variants to Mockplus. Two brand new components are introduced in RP: Date Picker and Time Picker. We have also made it easier to copy interactions by adding a Copy and Paste Interaction function for quick reuse. You can also now move Design System projects across teams and clone members from one team to another.
Let’s check them out.

For Online Prototyping (Mockplus RP)

Date Picker and Time Picker

This month we have added two brand new ready-made components: Date Picker and Time Picker. With a simple drag-and-drop, you can have real time prototyping of dates and time selections in your project.

Copy and paste interaction

Having to repeat interactions again and again can get tiring, so we’ve added Copy and Paste interaction to help you copy an interaction and paste it on another component. Simply right-click a component and select “Copy Interactions” and then right click on the other component you want to paste it onto and select “Paste Interaction” for quick reuse.

Table component

In this update, we have optimized the editing of the Table component. You only need to select a cell and then directly input text, speeding up your work efficiency.

Slice images

We have added the ability to Slice Images, helping you quickly slice an image into four smaller portions and then being able to adjust the size or position of these portions.

Combine two projects into one

With this update, you can now import MRP files into any of your projects and merge them into one. Once completed, the pages of the imported project will be added to the original project to continue your prototyping.

Sync the page number in "Preview" mode

In this update, if you number your pages in "Edit" mode, the same page number will also show in "Preview" mode, helping you navigate to the target page quickly.

For Collaboration and Handoff (Mockplus Cloud)

Move design system project across teams

With Mockplus all-in-one DS libraries, you can manage and share design resources with all of your team in real time. With this update, you can now move any of your DS projects to other teams to quickly transfer design assets.

Identify Figma variants

Now our Figma plugin identifies Figma variants so you can intelligently collaborate in Mockplus with all of your variants as you and your team intended, helping you bridge design and code.

Copy docs to another project

With Mockplus, you can create online documents, PRDs or upload local documents for your projects. In this update, you can now copy documents to other projects, helping to speed up and facilitate the reuse of the same document in multiple projects.

New artboard size for iPhone 13

With the recent release of the iPhone 13, we have added new artboard sizes for all iPhone 13 devices, helping you better tailor your designs.

Other improvements

  • Fixed an issue where the system freezes when uploading large designs
  • Fixed an issue in Adobe XD where the updated image could not be recognized when uploading it
  • Fixed an issue where the last selected team and project was not remembered after logging into Sketch plugin
  • Optimized the clickable range of artboard titles. When artboards overlap, you can click on the artboard titles to switch artboards
  • Fixed an issue where online documents referencing RP designs in tables could not be displayed in their entirety
  • Improved the performance of laggy issue at the Preview mode 
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom fixed position would be offset when previewing on mobile
  • Fixed an issue where 1px lines in Figma could not be recognized

That's all for the new features, just click to give them a try!

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Summer ye

In- house content editor, specialize in SEO content writing. She is a fruit lover and visionary person.

What's Mockplus?
Mockplus Cloud

Uploads design files from Sketch, Figma, Axure, Photoshop, and Adobe XD into our design handoff tool.

Mockplus RP

A free online prototyping tool that can create wireframes or highly interactive prototypes in just minutes.

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