New in March
Released:  Mar 4, 2024
What's new
In our latest releases, you are supposed to notice the following:
- New ability to resort all frames based on their coordinates on the canvas with just one click.
- Fixed the issue where the transparent part of an image turned black upon exporting to PDF.
Feature updates
  • New ability to resort all frames of a page based on their coordinates on the canvas, all with one click.
  • Fix: The transparent part of an image turned black upon exporting to PDF.
  • Fix: Some accounts were unable to access specific teams.
  • Fix: While adding a commenting, you might not be able to zoom in or out on the canvas.
  • Fix: The incorrect styling issue might occur while dragging on the layer panel.
  • Fix: Fixed the incorrect sorting issue of imported Figma files.
  • Fix: You might be automatically redirected to the incorrect default team.
New in Feb
Released:  Feb 6, 2024
What's new
You may notice the following changes with this release:
- New ability to adjust the frame content based on its size in just one click
- Improved team font uploading for faster design loading
- Improved the feature to publish designs to Mockplus Cloud
Feature updates
  • New redlines to help you align with other elements while using Pen tool to draw designs or adjusting shape anchor points on the canvas.
  • New "Adjust content on size" option available to make your frame content automatically adapt to resizing.
  • New ability to show commonly-used emojis when inputting text.
  • New shortcut to conduct independent corner radius adjustments. You can now use "Ctrl/Alt + drag" to quickly adjust individual or uniform corner radii.
  • New ability to copy the selected areas as PNG images.
  • New support for more commonly-used frame size options.
  • New ability to round all coordinates and dimensions of your design files to integers in one click.
  • Improved the team font uploading. Now, you can effortlessly install a font assistant to quickly upload your fonts, expediting the design file loading.
  • Improved the slice uploading strategy, your slices would be uploaded in a higher quality.
  • Improved the component uploading. You can hover to view the component name or the like info after upload.
  • Improved the uploading speed.
  • Improved the auto layout feature. Now, when adding auto layout to a rectangle, the rectangle will be automatically converted to a frame.
  • Improved the Sketch file importing. Now when there are too many Symbols contained on the Symbols page, it will automatically split it for better performance.
  • Improved the color picking of the eyedropper tool using shortcuts. When the selected layer does not have any color, it will automatically add a color.
  • Fix: Dragging to modify color values in the color panel would cause a shift in hue.
  • Fix: When publishing projects to Mockplus Cloud, the auto-detecting feature might not accurately identify the correct design scale.
  • Fix: Your design file may be displayed with default fonts instead of the right fonts when previewing.
  • Fix: Your attempt to move elements using the "Control + Alt" shortcut might not work within a frame.
  • Fix: After referencing the asset library, the quantity of assets was incorrectly displayed as 0.
  • Fix: The assets in the asset libraries might not sorted numerically.
  • Fix: The text color and alignment of your imported Figma files may be changed after replacing the missing fonts.
  • Fix: The mouse cursor style may be changed after using the Hand tool in Development mode.
  • Fix: Fixed some known problems of the tidying feature.
  • Fix: When selecting multiple frames added with Auto layout, your attempt to tidy them up could not be conducted successfully.
  • Fix other problems.